Free Learning Materials
Grammar WorkBook: Present, Past and Futures tenses forms
This 18-page workbook contains a compact revision of present, past and future tenses and forms.
It is going to be particularly useful for LEVEL 2 examinees who need to master narrations, but not only!

30 commonly mispronounced words in military (and general) English
Here’s a PDF with and an audio recording with 30 most commonly mispronounced words in military and general English.
Stanag 6001 Vocabulary Revision Quizlet
Have you ever used Quizlet?
I’ve created some simple vocabulary quizzes on this website/app so that you can revise STANAG 6001 vocabulary, phrasal verbs and collocations I taught you in my social media. Give it a try! 😁
It’s free and really easy to use!