
Exam date is approaching and you need a few extra classes?

No worries, I've got your back. This package is a last-minute lifesaver

If you feel that your English needs to be ‘refreshed’ before the exam and simply want to practice and receive feedback and some final tips – this package if for you.

How does it work?
  • Individual online classes 
  • Levels available: 2, 3 and 4
  • Classes take place on Zoom or Skype (you pick)

In order to get a six-pack – send me an email at:

  • We focus on practicing telling stories using narrative tenses, descriptions and instructions 
  • We practice roleplays and both asking and answering different types of questions
  • We address gaps in grammar and focus on language related to different language functions (requesting information, apologizing, inviting, giving advice, etc.)
  • We prepare a short presentation about you (BORE) 
  • You get to practice your productive skills – both speaking and writing
  • We discuss geopolitical and socio-economic topics, 
  • We focus on abstract language: hypothesizing, speculating, making predictions, evaluating and assessing 
  • We pinpoint cause and effects of military conflicts and SLP3-related topics
  • We learn exam strategies and how to deal with some exam situations
  • We practice exam tasks (L3 discussions, BORE – Spanish students, roleplays for JFLT, briefings for Polish STANAG 6001)
  • We focus on advanced grammar, vocabulary and collocations to help you score high

Get a six-pack!

  • 6 hours of Zoom lessons, unlimited writing corrections*, audio feedback and access to past papers & mock exams
  • Schedule them flexibly (1x6 hours or 4x1.5 hours)
  • Morning, afternoon and
  • Exam confidence included 🙂


I provide you with a wide variety of personalised materials and feedback in order to fill all the gaps before the exam.

If you decide to focus on speaking only – we do that.

Working with every student is different – I adapt to one’s needs and requests.


Whether you are taking the exam in Spain, Italy, Poland, or somewhere else, we prepare according to your country’s exam structure and requirements.

Pssst! These are my favorite classes. They are intense and focus on the most important exam aspects and since the exam date is approaching… students are highly motivated and ready to do their best! 😊

What my students say about me:

Self-Study Guide: Suscribe to get it in your mailbox

How to keep your English active