Upgrade your writing skills for STANAG 6001, SLP and JFLT exam
Are you ready to take a step towards well-organized and effective exam writing?
This course is THE STANAG 6001 Writing ROADMAP that you have been looking for and couldn’t find anywhere on the market. I had searched for a course like this when I was preparing soldiers for the SLP exam working in the academy – simply to get some model writings, hands-on patterns, ready PDFs and guidance.
I kept asking myself ‘why aren’t there any specialist courses like that on the market?´ and as the need is the mother of all inventions… I decided that I have to be the one to finally create it to make the lives of all of us easier.
So I did.
Let me tell you how it works.
It’s a hybrid of a traditional online video course and a self-practice with teacher’s support – you receive detailed and personalized feedback and guidelines on what to work on!
It’s based on 4-STEP FORMULA which I have tested and found extremely effective:
- Theory
- Implementation
- Feedback
- Improvement
- The Theory part contains: videos where I discuss: types, characteristics, structure, useful expressions, DOs&DON’Ts, model writings and – a cherry on the cake – I carry out GUIDED WRITING SESSIONS.
These are videos where I take you STEP by STEP through the planning process of a specific task and narrate my thoughts. We follow the Checklist steps and I show you exactly HOW TO PLAN EFFECTIVELY.
Teachers always tell us to plan our writing (I’m sure you’ve heard that many times), but rarely show us HOW. This course addresses that. Finally J!
- The Implementation stage is YOUR WORK TIME. That’s when you use all the knowledge in practice by completing exam tasks. You send me your work.
- The Feedback stage is when I analyze your writing, provide you with constructive feedback on your grammar, vocabulary choice (providing more advanced vocabulary pieces according to the style), collocations, style and spelling
- Finally, the last part is when after having analyzed my feedback, you prepare the second version of your text, following all the guidelines, tips and corrections. This way you can see immediate improvement and understand HOW to upgrade your writing by taking action again.
If you are READY TO UPGRADE your writing skills – let me take you on this journey!
By working together – combining your dedication and diligence and my experience and knowledge – we will be able to make significant changes in your writing.
After having gone through GUIDED WRITING SESSIONS you will also develop the HABIT OF PLANNING and EDITING, which will serve you whenever you will have to write something in the future. Our skills stay forever.
No more sweating over the keyboard!
I want to share with you some things that I often hear students saying in terms of WRITING:
- ‘I’m not a great writer; I’m simply not very creative.’
- ‘My productive skills in English are really poor.’
- ‘I don’t have time to practice my writing; it’s too time-consuming.’
Now, let me tell you something about those limiting beliefs students have about themselves:
- <NOT A GREAT WRITER BELIEF> You don’t need to be a great and creative writer, my dear. It’s an exam, not a novel writing contest. In order to succeed you need to be a clear, strategic and effective
- <POOR SKILLS BELIEF> The reason for that is usually… not practicing the skill enough. In my SLP Writing course I will push you to get practical and implement the theoretical knowledge, get the work done and then you will receive my feedback on it!
- <NO TIME BELIEF> No worries. What’s particularly great is the fact that the videos are not dragging on and on – they are brief, specific and spot on! Everything that you need to know is included there. We are all busy and I totally get it that you may not have plenty of time at your disposal to invest in yet another course. The theoretical part can be completed in only a few hours – then it’s your implementation part, which is very individual but allows flexibility and adjusting it to your schedule!
I guarantee that after having completed all the stages of the SLP Writing Course – you will walk away knowing how to organize your thoughts in effective paragraphs and exam writings.
Now you will only sweat during the workout, not your writing process!