This study & practice material contains 50 short exam-style recordings with multiple choice questions which will help you boost your exam preparation for the Level 3 exam.
Each question has a HINT which explains which one is a correct answer on the basis of the audio recording. It is also explained why the other three are incorrect.
Use it to test your listening skills, your ability to understand a wide variety of speakers using different accents while discussing level 3 topics.
You can listen to all the recordings on the website. You will have life-access to them.
- Do you struggle with listening OR need some exam-style short listening tasks to practice for the upcoming exam?
- Are you aiming at LEVEL 3?
- Do you want to be sure that you are listening to the type of content that is related to the NATO Stanag 6001 / SLP and JFLT topics?
If you answered 3 x YES, the Listening Booster is for you.
I know the reality. Both students and teachers, we all are in the process of a constant search for useful materials to practice exam-style listening.
Many countries limit access to STANAG / SLP / JFLT materials and as a result I have received dozens of emails from people who are desperately looking for mock exams or at least exam-style tasks.
I’ve heard you and I decided to do something about it. This is how this practice material was born!
What is it?
50 exam-style recordings with multiple choice questions that focus on LEVEL 3 topics.
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quizzes 10
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 203
- Assessments Yes
- 1 Section
- 0 Lessons
- Lifetime
Target audiences
- Level 3 Students